The Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOCS) is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states.

What is the SACSCOC On-Site Visit?

The SACSCOC on-site visit is part of the reaffirmation process for all colleges/universities seeking reaccreditation.

When is the On-Site Visit?

The SACSCOC on-site visit will take place at 圣安东尼奥学院 from September 29 through October 2, 2015.

What will happen during the SACS On-Site Visit?

The SACS On-Site Reaffirmation Committee will do the following:

  •  Meet with 大学 领导 & various stakeholders including the QEP Team,
  •  Reaffirmation committee, etc. Review the 合规 and Focused Reports.
  •  Learn more about the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).
What steps are required for reaffirmation of accreditation?

步骤1: 提交 the 合规 Report (formerly referred to as the SACS Self-Study).

步骤2: SACS Off-Site Reaffirmation Committee reviews the 大学's 合规 Report and provides feedback.

步骤3: The 大学 responds to SACS' findings to the 合规 Report by submitting a Focused Report.

步骤4: The 大学 submits a required Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).

步骤5: SACS On-Site Reaffirmation Committee visits the 大学 to learn more about the 大学's QEP and Focused and 合规 Reports.

步骤6: The 大学 submits a response to the recommendations made by the On-site Reaffirmation Committee to the Commission.

步骤7: The Committees on 合规 and Reports (C&R) review reports prepared by peer committees and the institutional responses to those reports and makes a recommendation regarding reaffirmation of accreditation.

步骤8: The SACSCOC Board of Trustees takes final action on the recommendation.

How can I or my unit prepare for the On-Site Visit?
  •  Become familiar with QEP topic and goal.
  •  Refresh your memory of our 大学 policies and your unit procedures.
  •  Review your unit's operations manuals, compliance manuals, etc.
When will 圣安东尼奥学院 know the outcome of the SACS Reaffirmation of accreditation?

圣安东尼奥学院 should learn about its reaffirmation status by June 2016.